School Project

Ka Ort Primary School

In October 2008, while our first house was under construction, we were approached by the Chief of an adjoining Village and asked if we could build a Primary School for the local children as the closest one was too far away for the young children. Being on the other side of the busy National Road Number 5 it was extremely dangerous for them to cross. He offered  us a site of approximately 7,500m2 on a long lease, rent free, subject to our agreeing to build the school but having no money available for such a project we had to turn down the request.

Shortly after that, by chance, Gerald met with some of his friends from the Singapore Airlines 5C’s club. They had raised some cash for a school development that had failed to materialise and asked him if he knew of a project that might be suitable. He told them about the site that had been offered to Who Will and they arranged to inspect this land. They liked what they saw and subsequently provided the capital to enable Who Will to build a 3 classroom Primary School.

The building was completed in time for the start of the 2009/10 school year and a number 0f the children from the Who Will Village were amongst the 200 or so children being educated there.

Ka Ort Primary School arial view

During their visit in February 2012, the Village Chief and School Director both asked if 5Cs might be able to fund the construction of a further 3 classrooms. This was considered and approved by the 5Cs Committee and the project is now complete. A Kindergarten that was privately funded was also constructed. Who Will provided the building and the local community furnished it and supply the staff. This Kindergarten has over 30 children attending.

The Opening Ceremony took place on October 8 2013 with the newly appointed Provincial Governor officiating. Some 45 volunteers from 5Cs and over 500 local residents attended.

5Cs Ka Ort School

The school is run by the Department of Education but Who Will has retained the responsibility to maintain the structure of the building and 5Cs retains an interest in the school and makes an annual visit. It also funds extra needs from time to time.




Who Will Children Village

Who Will Children Village